Department Assistantships
The department has a limited number of graduate assistantship (GA) positions available where you will work 20 hours per week. Assistantships are offered based on the skills and experience of the potential GA as well as departmental needs. Some assistantship appointments require first passing a background check. For a Department of Communication graduate assistantship, students generally work in one or more of the following areas: teaching assistant, research assistant, lab assistant.
Department of Communication graduate assistantships are typically awarded for up to 5 semesters (excluding summers) -- more than enough for you to complete your degree. Each position pays $9,500 gross per academic year ($950 per month for 10 months) and also waives all tuition and nearly all fees. (Each semester, a number of fees are not waived. Also, graduate students are responsible for paying any fees associated with taking online or hybrid courses. Fees and stipends are subject to change without notice.) Summer assistantships for students enrolled full time are also available, but only cover tuition remission and do not pay a stipend.
All Department of Communication graduate assistants must complete CMCN 501 within their first two semesters. This degree-applicable course introduces students to graduate study and educates them on the pedagogy of teaching. GAs are evaluated on their performance every semester.
If you are interested in applying for a GA, please fill out our online form.