Broadcasting is part of the Mass Communication major and is designed to train students in the basic principles and best practices of professional electronic media. We believe the outcome of this learning experience is visible through students’ clear expression and compelling use of audio, video, graphics and text in electronic media. Our faculty and students are dedicated to upholding the highest standards of professionalism, and advancing broadcast media communication as both a public and commercial enterprise. We seek to prepare our students for media careers and for participation in their communities as civic leaders. In the Mass Communication/Broadcasting program, we hold that our measure of success is found in our students’ contribution to both the professional world and the larger community.
Our faculty, staff and students seek to enhance both the life of the department and the university by connecting with media professionals through a variety of activities including student organizations (NABJ, NBS, SPJ) internships, service learning projects, award competitions, consulting liaisons, and research analysis. In regional and national contests, students enter broadcast news stories that garner awards from professionals in the field. Students collect data by surveys and focus groups to guide decision making for electronic media, and production companies also turn to our students when film and video projects are made for both private and professional distribution.
As educators, we hope to expand the students’ means of creative expression using digital tools of electronic media. We take pride in affording a supportive environment that encourages academic freedom in the pursuit of excellence and challenges students intellectually and professionally to higher achievement. In all of these activities, we strive to be responsive to the needs of our students as we seek to promote the UL Lafayette Mass Communication/Broadcast experience in our media laboratories and classroom instruction, which we believe to be an integral part of the school’s curriculum and our students’ learning experience.
Learn more about the broadcasting:
Contact information:
Dr. William R. Davie
Broadcasting Program Coordinator